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Skatepark Design Focus Group Meeting

We want to hear from you!  Sign up now to join the skatepark design online (ZOOM) focus group meeting on Tuesday, June 11th from 5pm - 7pm.  Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, we want to hear what you like to skate on.  What kind of ledges, curbs,  pipes, runs, walls, stairs, bowls, and more do you like to ride?  Do you want a lesson area and a shaded hang-out space?   This is your chance to help design a future skatepark at Carmichael Park.  While there are no identified funds for this project currently, we want your input now on the design stage.  Please complete the survey and we'll send you information on how to be a part of this.

Advertisement for an online Skatepark Design Focus Group Meeting on Tuesday, June 11th, with skateboarding images.
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