Report Irrigation Leaks and Broken Sprinkler Heads

Help CRPD reduce water use! Please report any irrigation leaks and broken sprinkler heads you see at the park by completing the survey below or calling us at (916) 485-5322. If you want to help further, please place a flag (or marker) near the area of concern.
For a water leak EMERGENCY at a CRPD Park, please call the following:
- Business Hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5pm): (916) 485-5322
- Non-Business Hours: (916) 483-2452 (Carmichael Water District Emergency After Hours Line)
- Non-Business Hours - Bird Track Park Only: (916) 967-5723 (Fair Oaks Water District Emergency After Hours Line)
Please complete the following for non-emergency irrigation leaks and broken sprinkler heads: