Measure G - Projects
In November 2022, voters in the district passed the General Obligation Bond Measure G by over 67%. To have this support for parks is amazing, and it puts us on the road to a new era at the Carmichael Recreation and Park District.
As CRPD moves forward, we take the responsibility of the funds from the bonds very seriously. We will be transparent as all our meetings are open to the public and the project expenses are reviewed by the Bond Oversight Committee. Funds will be spent on deferred maintenance and new projects only. No bond money will fund CRPD staff positions. The bonds will be sold in three series. Each will be about $10,000,000 . We have three years to spend that money, and then the next series will be sold. Here is the current schedule for the three series and project sites. Please note, this schedule may change.
Series I Project Sites:

- Carmichael Park
- La Sierra Community Center
- Cardinal Oaks Park
- Glancy Oaks Park
Series II Project Sites:
- Bird Track Park
- Carmichael Park - Phase II
- Del Campo Park
- La Sierra Community Center - Phase II
Series III Project Sites:
- Carmichael Park - Phase III
- Jan Park
- La Sierra Community Center - Phase III
- O'Donnell Heritage Park
- Patriots Park
- Sutter-Jensen Community Park
Below are current, future, and completed bond-funded projects. If you have any questions, please email us at