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STEM Class - Middle School After School Program

STEM-themed graphic with symbols for science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and a logo for "Superior Sports & Academics™".

The Superior Sports Education Team teaches the following in their Stem/Robotics classes:

  • Basics of robot design and engineering
  •  Coding and programming
  • S.T.E.M. hands on learning experiences that make learning engaging and memorable.
  •  Critical thinking and problem-solving skills, analytical skills essential for success
  • Creativity and innovation, thinking outside the box and developing groundbreaking solutions to real-world problems.

Barrett Middle School

  • Day: Thursdays
  • Dates: 3/6 - 5/1 (no class on 4/17)
  • Times: 1:45pm - 3:15pm
  • Location: Barrett Middle School - Classroom  R1
  • Fee: $10
  • Register Online


May contain: logo, trademark, and symbol


Program is funded by the Carmichael Parks Foundation


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